Flat Plate Solar Collector

The flat plate collector has been around for the last fifty five years in Europe and even in Cape Town some people have installed these units 30 to 40 years ago. The money that can be saved is up to 60% of your monthly electricity account, therefore this savings can be used to pay off your system over a period of plus minus 3 years.

The Flat Plate Solar is a very easy system to live with once installed it starts heating your water over the next 30 years providing you have used a reputable solar panel that is SABS Approved and they give you at least a 10 year warranty on the panel.

We also give you at this moment in time an Eskom Rebate as we are Eskom Accredited supplier and work in conjunction with our suppliers Solarmax. It is very important at this time to install a Solar System. Once Eskom have achieved the numbers of systems required to fulfill their required numbers then the rebate will fall away. So now is the right time to install a system, so why not give us a call.

You get 3 different types of installations namely:

(a) CLOSE COUPLE SYSTEM: New Solar Panel and Geyser on the roof.
(b) RETRO FIT: Existing Geyser in ceiling and Solar Panel on the roof with a solar driven pump unless the Geyser is higher than the Panel then the thermosiphon kicks in.
(c) SPLIT SYSTEM: New EXSTREAM Solar Geyser in ceiling and Solar Panels on roof with Solar Driven Pump unless the Geyser is higher than the Panel then the thermosiphon kicks in.